The Winemaker Detective series by Jean-Pierre Alaux is more wine than detective.
If you are into the nuances of fine wines, different chateaux, grape species and the like with a bit of gourmet food thrown in and all complimented by elegant descriptions of the French countryside and Bordeaux life, then you will love this. The crime bit seems almost like an afterthought with little detection and a sort of surprise “oh that’s who did it and why” in the last chapter.
This omnibus contains the first three books in the series. They are quite short (not sure what defines a short novel as a novella) so you might be disappointed if you bought them individually.
Personally I like my crime a bit more on the robust side with some dark flavours, a hint of a plausible diversion and a satisfying aftertaste or conclusion. Give me a Premiere Cru crime novel not this light whimsical novella. This is only a 2.5/5 for me
If you want a top quality crime series set in rural France with a bit of food and wine around the edges try Martin Walker’s Bruno Courreges series, I’d give them a 4.5/5