Go Find Daddy

Steve Goble’s “Go Find Daddy” offers a blend of mystery, action, and character development. At the heart of the story is Ed Runyon, a former SWAT officer turned private investigator. His tough-as-nails exterior hides a vulnerability that makes him a surprisingly relatable protagonist.

Goble’s narrative unfolds at a steady pace, keeping readers engaged from the outset. The mystery of the missing person, Donny Blackmon, wrongfully accused of murder, is intriguing and well-crafted.

One of the novel’s strengths is its exploration of the gun lobby and its influence on American society. Goble’s portrayal of this issue is balanced and insightful, offering a valuable perspective.

Overall, “Go Find Daddy” is a satisfying read that will leave you eager for more from Steve Goble, this book is definitely worth checking out.

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