The Eagle and the Cockerel

Alan Rhode’s The Eagle and the Cockerel is a fast-paced political thriller that blends the familiar echoes of Brexit with a chillingly plausible dystopian future. The novel weaves together high-stakes political maneuvering, the insidious influence of social media, and a dash of international intrigue.

Rhode’s exploration of a potential Franco-German union is a fascinating premise. The parallels drawn with the Brexit vote are thought-provoking. However, while the plot is engaging, it occasionally feels overstuffed, trying to juggle too many complex elements at once.

The portrayal of the social media giant, ROME, is particularly chilling, highlighting the frightening potential for these platforms to manipulate public opinion. This aspect is both timely and disturbing.

Overall, The Eagle and the Cockerel is an entertaining read that offers a believable vision of a possible future.

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